Determinants of the Intention to Adopt the Social Network Whatsapp in a Professional Situation: An Empirical Study in Cameroon

The coronavirus pandemic has further democratized the use of social media. Faced with health restrictions and physical distancing, workers have seen their working methods completely transformed. The objective of this work was to identify the predictors of the intention to adopt the social network Whatsapp by Cameroonian workers in a professional situation. A questionnaire based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was administered online to a sample of 358 subjects. The data collected were analyzed on SPSS 20.0. The multiple regression test was applied. The significance threshold was set at p<0.05. The results show that 42% of the variance in the intention to adopt the social network Whatsapp by Cameroonian workers in a professional situation was explained by the feeling of perceived effectiveness, ease of use, influence of colleagues and perceived usefulness (R2 = 0,42; F (3, 354) = 86,26; p=0,000). In short, the establishment of a digital work platform in Cameroonian administrations must take into account the variables found significant in this work. 


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