Question of Values
When we talk about values, we immediately think this refers to
ethics, but we could start with its basic definitions. As for example
the so-called universals are the principles; thus justice, honor, honesty, peace among many others are usually respected by the common people as universal principles, correct and appropriate for social coexistence, and not necessarily all those that respect a scale of
values, They respect the principles, because in gangsters they have
scales of values to coexist as groups but with the difference that
they disrespect all principles.
On the other hand, when I try to return the principle as mine
or my property, then I am converting the principle into value, and I
put it into practice and preservation in my daily life, then we could
say that from constant and repetitive practice I begin to acquire
good habits that I turn into virtues, like the practice of bad habits
promoted by anti values or the opposite of the values established
and defended in the universal principles within a society; then we
can say that we develop the vices that would be the opposite of the
Ethics, unlike what many think, occurs and is defined when
choosing, then we ourselves make the choice to defend that act that
represents that value in which we believe so much, or on the contrary we decide to break it, and we talk much about the ethics of
minimums and maximums, the reason for the higher good or higher
premium on which values we must defend and prioritize above others and for the common good, being above the lesser good.
At the social level it is often confused with quite regularity, ethics that of personal values with morals, that of universal principles
that build daily social coexistence and without which many of these
things that make us civilized humans would definitely not exist.
Many times the rule and the exception, and their difference,
are not understood either, so we see political and religious entities,
arguing about abortion for example and it is not about being in favor or against, but we must accept that there must be a Exception
where for social or humanitarian reasons an abortion should be
done, perhaps in the case of a very young girl who should not go
through the experience of conceiving, not being at the appropriate
time for motherhood, not having had free will to say "Well, I got
into this and I have to bear the responsibility for the action I have
committed" but unfortunately it is not like that as it is a controversial issue, they prefer not to discuss it, and say that it is better for
the girl to suffer and perhaps the infant or both expose themselves
to the danger of death, it is as if due to a lack of ethical training and
common sense. Because although the principle together with the
value leads us to the ethical rule of defending life and not approving abortion, we have to take into account the relevant exception so
that the rule exists and can be practiced correctly
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