False Memories in Minors as Alleged Victims of Sexual Abuse

When referring to the issue of child sexual abuse, we are facing a situation of vulnerability for minors, who immediately require an interdisciplinary intervention that guarantees their emotional, physical, and social stability. However, it turns out to be a challenge for professionals in psychology, to be able to discern between a real argument of the alleged victim and a false memory established by external factors in the minor. It should be clarified that this article never tries to question, revictimize or not consider as real the minimum manifestation of sexual abuse by any person. This article highlights the importance of professional expertise when assessing a minor who has revealed alleged abuse. Multiple studies and publications have been carried out that refer to the implantation of false memories or recollections in people. Therefore, a conceptual, methodological, technical, and ethical review of the discrimination of memories by professionals in psychology is necessary

Talking about memories, one must initially be clear about what is known as memory, which can be defined as the psychological process of encoding (shaping), storing (recording) and retrieving (remembering) the various events that occur throughout life whether these are positive or negative for the individual. Within the understanding of the phenomenon of memory we have two important dimensions, short-term memory or working memory, which allows us to retain information long enough to be used; Within the understanding of the phenomenon of memory we have two important dimensions, short-term memory or working memory, which allows us to retain information long enough to be used; and long-term memory, which allows information to be preserved in a lasting way thanks to coding, through this memory aspects such as learning are developed and information is linked with emotional components. Thanks to the work of Tulving,1 three categories are structured in long-term memory, which are still in force: • Episodic, related to a specific time and place. Linked to autobiographical aspects. • Semantics, responsible for general knowledge acquired over time and not linked to any learning process. • Procedural, cannot be consciously inspected. It is linked to motor activities.



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