Thoughts Upon a New Way of Viewing Disease Classification

While waiting for the furore of my last article (Concepts of Healing) to die down, I came up with a possibly helpful new manner to classify disease categories. I decided to determine if it would be beneficial to classify diseases according to the major body systems involved directly at the site of the infection. At the beginning, I just sorted, grouped and looked for pattern(s). Presented herein is the result of those investigations, according to the body of knowledge known as Peripheral Neuropathy.

The medical body of knowledge known as PN has shown us that there are 3 major Enteric Nervous System (ENS) elements that are directly involved in the control and clean up after predation of the body by pathogenic microorganisms. These elements are the nerve cell bodies located directly within the skin, next to the muscles and spread throughout the interior of the body cavity. Please remember that the ENS works directly and very intimately with the circulating white blood cells of the spleen/bone marrow system (immune system). Also directly involved are the non-cellular components of the blood that are produced and maintained by the liver. At the present time, diseases are usually classified in the main as to the type of microorganism involved - virus or bacterium. These are the usual causative agents involved in most types of communicable disease. For the sake of this presentation, viruses, protozoa, helminths, insects and other causative pathogenic agents are not discussed. The reason for this is to simplify the nature of the following discussion.


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