Detection of Antibodies against Bovine Brucellosis in ElHawata area, ElGadarif State, Sudan

The main objective of this research was to study bovine brucellosis in ElHawata area, ElGadarif State (2007). A total of 121 bovine sera were collected randomly from cattle of different age and breeds. Data regarding the history of the disease (frequent abortion) in the area were recorded. Samples were 1st subjected to serological investigation using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT). Nineteen samples (15.7%) were found positive for antibodies against Brucellosis. The result was confirmed with (competitive ELISA) c-ELISA. The result of both tests was almost identical with one exception (one additional sample was found positive with c-ELISA). Only positive samples were tested with Serum Agglutination Test (SAT). The result confirmed that of c-ELISA and revealed antibody titer ranged between 17-1280. Regardless of age, the disease was detected in all groups, and it was more prevalent in cross breeds. It was concluded that bovine brucellosis is prevalent in ElHawata area, ElGadarif State, Sudan.

Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with public health and economic implications. Losses in animal production due to brucellosis include diminution of milk and meat, abortion, infertility, longer calving intervals and higher culling rates.1 The disease poses great hazard to human health specially in countries where no proper program for disease control and the microbiological quality of milk is rarely checked. The first isolation of Brucella organism from animals was made by Bang2 who was the first to report contagious abortion in cattle and other animal species and he named his isolate Bacillus abortus, which was followed by other names, including Corynebacterium abortus, Bacterium abortus and Alcaligenes abortus.


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