Regeneration Abilities of Vertebrates and Invertebrates and Relationship with Pharmacological Research: Hypothesis of Genetic Evolution Work and Micro-Environment | Stephy Publishers
Open Access Journal of Urology and Nephrology - (OJUN) | Stephy Publishers
A better understanding
of the forces controlling cell growth will be essential for considering wound
healing as a fundamental evolutionary with possibility of scar formation and
reparative regeneration and the developing effective therapies in regenerative
medicine and also in cancer. Historically the literature has linked to cancer
and tissue regeneration-proposing regeneration as both the source of cancer and
a method to inhibit tumori-genesis. Aim of this work is to verify similarity
and difference between this process un a revolutionary approach. The same
verify the evolution of some factors involved in cancer development .In all
this process genetically conserved or not there are determinate kind of program
( finalistic or a-finalistic ) whit a start messages but also a stop when the
scope is achieved ( regeneration). It is clear that regeneration abilities in
adult form is reduced in some superior vertebrates like humans and the same it
seem related to an introduction of adaptative immunity. This review discusses
two powerful regeneration models the vertebrate urodele amphibians and
invertebrate in light of cancer regulation.
Keywords: Regeneration, Cancer;
Stem-cells, Wound healing; reparative re-generation, invertebrates,
vertebrates, pathology, micro-environment, genotypic -phenotypic expression,
heart regeneration, re-expression embryonic markers, diabetes mellitus
To read more #Urology #Nephrology
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