Facial Nerve and the Temporal Region: A Clarification| Stephy Publishers


International Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | Stephy Publishers

Due to the several layers of fasciae and their interchanging characteristics below and above the zygomatic arch, the temporal region anatomy has somewhat been unpleasant to comprehend and recall. The frontal branch of facial nerve is however the ultimate reason why it becomes important to study this area. Apart from Plastic, aesthetic and Reconstructive surgery, few other surgical specialties often need to work on this region, some of the common procedures include Coronal approaches; Zygoma fracture reduction; Temporoparietal flap elevation; Face and brow lift. We believe there is a need for clear and doubt free messages to be made in regard this topic. After an extensive literature search, we came up with a few conclusions and three key illustrations that we strongly believe are crucial to be remembered. The rationale of following certain path of dissection in the temporal region, depending on the planned operation is explained. Eponyms used in literature for various structures have been discussed and clarified. The relationship of the frontal nerve to its surrounding fasciae within the zygomatic zone and Temporoparietal fascia is further explored. This review and guidelines are specifically been developed and recommended as an educational tool for in training surgical residents of concerned specialties, as well for the seniors interested to refresh their knowledge in a simple presentation.

Keywords: Temporal region, Frontal branch, Temporal branch, Facial nerve, Face lift, Brow lift, Temporoparietal fascia, Flap, Deep temporal fascia, Anatomy, Relations

TR: Temporal Region, SMAS: Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System, TPF: Temporoparietal Fascia,DTF: Deep Temporal Fascia; ZA: Zygomatic Arch, FBFN: Frontal Branch of Facial Nerve. 1 Introduction The Temporal region (TR)

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Surgery #ReconstructiveSurgery



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