Recommendations for the Aluminum and Iron-Containing Composite Flocculants-Coagulants Use for the Purification of Natural River Waters and Industrial Wastewater| Stephy Publishers
Journal of Environmental Science and Research - (JESR) | Stephy Publishers
Abstract: Coagulation is the most widespread method of natural and wastewater purification from the bulk of colloidal, finely dispersed, and partially dissolved contaminants. The characteristics of the new composite flocculants-coagulants ASFC and ISFC developed by the authors compared to traditional aluminum and iron salts are given. The characteristics of natural waters, which were used to study the efficiency of using the obtained flocculants-coagulants, are given. To compare the effect of the developed materials with known products, we used such a parameter as their coagulation
ability to purify high-color water from the Orsha river and medium-color water from the Volga and Tvertsa rivers in Russia. An attempt is made to
assess the effect of magnetic treatment of the developed composite flocculants-coagulants. Based on the conducted research and production tests,
recommendations were developed to use aluminum and iron-containing composite flocculants-coagulants to purify natural river waters and industrial wastewaters.
Keywords: Coagulation, Flocculation, Composite Flocculants-Coagulants, ASFC, ISFC, Water purification
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