Impact of Patient Centred Care in a Dementia Ward in an Acute Hospital | Stephy Publishers
Innovative Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience - (IJNN) | Stephy Publishers
Abstract: The older persons with dementia will occupy more hospital beds in the years to come. Caring for a patient living with dementia is challenging for
the hospital staff, especially for those exhibiting neuropsychiatric symptoms. Providing person centred care has been recognised as the ideal model
of care for the persons with dementia. However, this care model is time consuming and requires training and education. Provision of good care in
the hospital for the older persons with dementia include avoidance of restraints, prescription of psychotropics, in-hospital fall reduction, minimising
risk of cognitive and functional decline with discharge home to their families and loved ones.Person centred care is effective in the acute setting,with
proper training, guidance and leadership.
Keywords: Dementia, Falls, Restraints, Person-Centred Care, Neuropsychiatric Symptoms.
Read more: #Neurology #Neuroscience
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